Discard Virus Without Antivirus

What if your computer got a virus and you reinstall? And what do you do when the antivirus has not been updated, Well,, There is a solution ko, but not all viruses can be handled this way. Just a precaution only, after you install windows OS.
Without Antivirus you can get rid of these viruses with the condition do not open the drive other than OS System.

Viruses are usually hidden in the folder-the folder that is on bigian that we often open.

How to see it:
Open the comand promp
-and then navigate to the drive or partition is not the System,
Ex: D:
-Then typing in D: attrib / s / d *.*-s-h
-Find the files you think you are not panting or suspicious file name
-Clear the way D: delthree virus local.exe
When all has been erased Find the last part in the D: Recycle \ ..
-Well, the virus has been eliminated without Antivirus

Note: Not all viruses can be eliminated in this way.

Good luck,

5 komentar:

Admin mengatakan...

Wuihhhhh...Mantab nih Resep.
Tak Coba ya Bro.

Yuga Eko mengatakan...

boleh2 langsung tryout!

Harry Maxwell mengatakan...

Sip,, Coba aja.. Yang penting teliti..

Anonim mengatakan...

tergantung apa dulu tuh virus..
ga semua virus sama penyebarannya kayak gitu..
biasanya virus yang kayak gitu virus autorun..
yang file autorun.inf me runnning file virus induk tanpa harus di klik..

Norton support phone number mengatakan...

If you are concerned about the security of your personal information, you should use strong secure Norton technical support.

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